White Mountain Apache Tribe
Rural Water System EIS
Public Involvement
Black Bear and Cub image Black Bear and Cub
The purpose of the public participation process is to actively inform and engage interested stakeholders including Federal, state, and local agencies; elected officials; Native Americans; and the general public about the proposed action and to receive public input during the various stages of the NEPA process.

The Draft EIS was released for a 45-day public review period starting on July 29, 2022. Reclamation and WMAT hosted a virtual public meeting to present an overview of the project and provide an opportunity for public comment on the Draft EIS. The meeting was broadcast in a virtual format using the Facebook Live and YouTube platforms on August 27, 2022 at 10 AM MST. Presentations were made by WMAT and Reclamation on the proposed action, including a summary of the alternatives analyzed in the Draft EIS and a review of the environmental analysis. You can watch a recording of the public meeting via multiple outlets, including the WMAT’s Facebook page, the Vice Chairman’s Facebook page, and YouTube.

The comment period for the Public Draft EIS closed on September 12, 2022. The Final EIS is currently in process.